vainillafuckass Info

  • NAME: vainillafuckass
  • SEX: female
  • LOCATION: Bogota D.C., Colombia
  • FOLLOWERS: 515 people following vainillafuckass


vainillafuckass has been logged in for 1 hours 44 minutes 50 seconds.
With 515 fans, her popularity is increasing fast on CravedCams. If you 'd like to get to get to know her better, we have some more interesting data for you: she is into webcamming and private sessions. She communicates in Spanish; Castilian. We don't know her age, because she chose to keep her age a secret. Based on our data, she is primarily online on Thursdays. For the past month vainillafuckass has had a number of 154 chats, reaching 24 days online. The mean free chat time is 42 minutes 44 seconds and the mean private chat time is 3 minutes. She had a total of 4 private chats with 12 minutes of private chat time. vainillafuckass allocates around 4 hours 52 minutes 25 seconds online each day, which is incredibly nice. Last month she spent 4 days 11 hours 3 minutes online.

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vainillafuckass Stats
  • Total Time142
  • Days online17
  • Avg daily time4h 20mins
  • Free chat sessions:106
  • Total free chat time:3d 1h 24mins
  • Longest free chat session:2h 33mins
  • Average free chat time:42mins
  • Private sessions:36
  • Average private chat time:13mins
  • Longest private chat session:31mins
  • Total private chat time:7h 45mins
vainillafuckass daily activity