sofi_blossom Info

  • NAME: sofi_blossom
  • AGE: 23
  • SEX: female
  • LOCATION: Antioquia, Colombia
  • FOLLOWERS: 3990 people following sofi_blossom


sofi_blossom has been available for 2 hours 59 minutes 18 seconds.There are presently 1 viewers watching her.
With 3990 followers, her fame is growing quickly on CravedCams. If you want to get to learn about her more, we know more interesting things: she is into webcamming and private sessions. She speaks Spanish; Castilian and she is 23 years old, but take that with a pinch of salt, as we cannot confirm her real age. According to our records, she is mainly online on Thursdays. For the last month sofi_blossom has had a total of 64 sessions, with a total of 27 days on CravedCams. The average free chat duration is 1 hours 52 minutes 15 seconds and the average private chat time spent is 9 minutes. She had a total of 1 private sessions with 9 minutes of private chat time. sofi_blossom dedicates approximately 7 hours 55 minutes 34 seconds on CravedCams daily, which is extremely nice. Last month she dedicated 4 days 22 hours 1 minutes on CravedCams.

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sofi_blossom Stats
  • Total Time118
  • Days online30
  • Avg daily time7h 28mins
  • Free chat sessions:85
  • Total free chat time:9d 7h 48mins
  • Longest free chat session:11h 29mins
  • Average free chat time:2h 38mins
  • Private sessions:33
  • Average private chat time:16mins
  • Longest private chat session:45mins
  • Total private chat time:8h 42mins
sofi_blossom daily activity